Kratzfestes Saphirglas
Hi, I'm Alex and I've had a passion for watches for a very long time. But the real reason why I founded MIYEN MUNICH is this:
Vor einigen Jahren hat meine Frau sich eine Uhr gewünscht, die gerade „in“ war. Auf den ersten Blick war es eine großartige Uhr. Aber bereits nach kurzer Zeit wurden Mängel deutlich, die bei einem solchen Preis nicht sein sollten.
I asked myself: "Why should good watches be expensive? And why are fashion watches often presented as high quality because of their high price?"
Luxury should be affordable! I was certain that there had to be a way to produce and offer high-quality watches at a fair price. Challenge accepted! Dieser Gedanke legte den Grundstein für MIYEN MUNICH.
Mehr über MIYEN MUNICH kannst du here nachlesen.
MIYEN MUNICH protects the rainforest. Every MIYEN MUNICH watch sold means a new tree for the rainforest in Sumatra and thus contributes to the protection of this important ecosystem.
By buying a MIYEN MUNICH watch and planting a tree with it you are setting an example for environmental protection and supporting an important initiative for the preservation of the rainforest.
48.1351° N, 11.5820° E